Part 104: Oooh, Joshua, you're such a stud. ♥
-Decision to Leave-

No way...


This, um...This isn't a dream, is it?

Things would be nicer if this were a dream.

Unfortunately, reality isn't so convenient.

Man's Voice: You finally show yourself.

It's been a while, Loewe. You knew I would find my way on board?

It was entirely possible, given your skills.

Still, I'm curious as to how you actually managed it.

I boarded one of the scout ships that went ahead of the Glorious to check its route.

None of the Enforcers were about, so it was fairly trivial to sneak in.

You even guessed that Weissmann would request the Ark.

You really haven't lost your touch, Black Fang.

All thanks to you, really. Though it always was a bit nerve-wracking, wondering if you or someone else would find me.

Hm. There are few who can see through your skill at obfuscation.

But stealth has its weaknesses. The instant someone notices you, you lose your one advantage.

You have lost your advantage, Black Fang. What do you think a fang can do against the Bladelord?



I don't care how strong you are, we won't make it that easy on--

Stand back, Estelle.

Loewe is powerful. More so than the both of us combined.


And knowing that, you still came here. Some might call that naive, but I know you better than that.

What drove you to leave her in the first place?



If you wish to protect someone, protect them. If you wish to cut them from your life...then do it. Completely. Did I not teach you to be thorough? To be decisive?

Yes, you did. That was the very first lesson you taught me after Weissmann was done 'tuning' me.

If she means that much to you, you should never have left her side. You should have stayed with her, tormented by guilt or otherwise.

The fact that you didn't is just another form of escapism--nothing but deceit.

I know that, Loewe...

I know what you're trying to tell me.

Do you really?


But in that case...what about you, Loewe? This should have been my price alone to pay. My burden. And yet you joined the society, too, and now they call you the Bladelord.

Why are you still working with Weissmann?!


My cooperation with Weissmann has nothing to do with you. I do so because of my desires.

Your desires? You mean about Karin...?

Petty revenge won't bring Karin back.

So I want to see if her death was worth it. I want to put humanity to the test. That's why I'm working with the professor.

...'Put humanity to the test'?

Enough talking.

You have three options:

You and the girl both surrender. You protect the girl and you die. abandon the girl and escape by yourself.

Make your choice.



I'm sorry, but I will be taking option four.


Uh, what?!


I fiddled with the orbal engines a little. Left alone, the society's glorious ark will be another wreck on the ocean floor soon.

Hey, Joshua! Could you maybe WARN ME when you--

You really are a magician. You need authorization for the engine room, so I didn't think you'd be able to worm your way in there.

I altered each of the twenty-two engines in a slightly different manner. Weissmann could sort it out. Maybe Renne, too. But with them gone, the only one left is you, Loewe.

A final ace in the hole to put a stop to the plan. Well done.

But to use it now...Hmph. Just how long do you intend to keep deluding yourself?


Heh. I hope you have an answer when next we meet.

I'll be looking forward to it.

Um, Joshua?

We can talk later.

I've got an airship prepared for an escape. We need to head down the stairs ahead of us and get to the hangar.


-Looming Threat-
Hey it's that one guy.
Joshua's crafts:
Taunt: Enrages enemies in a small area, just like Estelle's.
Evil Eye: Ranged AoE with AT-Delay.
True Dual Strike: Double melee attack.
True Flicker: Ranged line attack with AT-Delay.
True Cloak & Dagger: Ranged attack with 20% chance of deathblow.

Archaisms can't be confused, so I'll ditch Silver Thorn here.

Since when does an airship have its own landing port...

Yes...The Crimson Ark, the Glorious, pride of the society, is meant to be a mothership, of sorts.

It can provide berthing to up to twelve smaller vessels.

That's unbelievable!

I secured a ship earlier for our escape. It's in the hangar farthest in.

Got it!


Joshua! How cold. You have that nice, long heart-to-heart with Loewe and you don't even stop by to say hello to your old friend Campanella?

I didn't think you were still on the ship.

Let me guess, you knew I was coming this way.

Haha! Well, I AM the one the Grandmaster sent to observe the plan. It's my job to notice more than the others do, after all.


Heheh. It's impressive, though. You've changed quite a bit in the, what, half-decade since last we met. You've become much more of a man, hmm?

And you...literally haven't changed at all. Even your appearance is exactly the same, as though you haven't aged a day.

Hahaha. Well, I make sure to NEVER skip my daily skin-care, after all!

I've heard you enjoy a good romp in a dress every now and then. Perhaps I could introduce you to some cosmetics?


Argh! Could you be any more aggravating?!

You were waiting here for us because you wanted to fight, right? Just FIGHT US already!

Haha. Oh, my goodness, what a strong little girl.

I'd wondered what kind of girl could pluck your heart like a grape, Joshua. She's a good match for you, huh?

W-Wait, who plucked whose heart like--

Ahhh, I forget myself, though. Your proper girlfriend is that bandit girl, isn't it?

Oooh, Joshua, you're such a stud. ♥

. . .

...That's quite enough of your nonsense. I have no idea how you even know about Josette. But either way...

Our abilities in combat should be about the same...and I doubt Estelle will just sit idly by. Do you still intend to stop us with force?

Ahaha! No, no, that wasn't my intent at all!

As I said, I'm simply here to observe the plan unfold. I've no duty to impede you two directly.


Wait, really? Then why bother waiting for us here?

Haha. To say my farewells, of course.

But, you know, just saying 'goodbye' isn't very exciting at all. So I thought I'd help make your escape story a bit more...riveting!


The Pale Apache flying orbal puppet?! The society already has working models?!

How will this affect their legend? Let's find out!
-Great Awe-
Pale Apache is basically Orgueille Jr.

It's got the same type of giant gun...

...but this time, Clock Up EX got me out of the line of fire.

You're finished.
Paleface can run you over just like the Orgueille, too.

It seems to be a lot weaker to arts than weapons.

And AT-Delay works.

So in the end, cracking it open and getting the sweet candy inside isn't too much trouble.
-Looming Threat-

Hahaha! Well done, well done!

You, you...Enough of your stupid messing around!

Now, now, there's no need to be so angry.

Anyway, it's time for the Fool whose act is done to exit, stage right.